About Us

About Us

Our Approach

“Fastnet has some of the best water in the world. It is truly an iconic swim, a new challenge for the rest of the open water community with expert skippers and crews available to help”
Stephen Redmond

Marathon Swimming World Record Holder & International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame

About Us

Our Story

We are a group of swimmers, promoting the 21km marathon Open Water Swim from the Fastnet Rock to Baltimore and other swimming adventures in the West Cork Region of Ireland.
Fastnet Swim is an organization and governing body that helps organize, plan, observe, and ratify marathon swims around Fastnet Rock in Ireland, a 21 km open water swim that starts at Fastnet Rock and finishes at Baltimore pier in Ireland. It is 21 kilometers of some of the most beautiful wild water that Ireland has to offer. They also organize and assist in other open water swimming adventures in the West Cork Region of Ireland.

Our Team

Meet the Fastnet Team

Steve Redmond

Worlds 1st Oceans Seven Swimmer

Steve Black

Gibraltar Straits Swimmer

Noel Browne

Gibraltar Straits Swimmer

Nathan Timmins

English Channel Swimmer

Kieran Collins


Donal O'Donovan
